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Unit Overview


Who Am I?

Who’s In My Community?
Me and My Classroom Community:
•Classroom rules: Golden Rule, Fair Play, Sportsmanship, Helping Hands
- Understand the rule-making process in a direct democracy (everyone votes on the rules)
-Understand the elements of fair play and good sportsmanship, respect for the rights and opinions of others, and respect for rules by which we live, including the meaning of the “Golden Rule.”
•Mapping School
Me and My Family:
•Mapping Home

Me and My Town:
•Mapping My Town
Locate on maps and globes local community
Construct a simple map, using cardinal directions and map symbols
•Places To Visit
•Community Helpers

Who Lived Here Before Me? How Did People Live?
The Past, Present, and Future
•My Past
•My Family’s Past, Present, and Future
-Recognize similarities and differences of earlier generations in such areas as work (inside and outside the home), dress, manners, stories, games, and festivals, drawing from biographies, oral histories, and folklore.
•My School’s Past, Present, and Future
-Examine the structure of schools and communities in the past.
-Study transportation methods of earlier days.
The First Americans
•Chumash: Past and Present
-Understand the ways in which American Indians and immigrants have helped define Californian and American culture.
-Compare the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, traditions, and social practices of varied cultures, drawing from folklore.




Where Do I Live?  Where Do Families Come From?
Me and My Planet
•Land Formations and People
-Locate on maps and globes California, the United States, the seven continents, and the four oceans.
•Weather and People
-Describe how location, weather, and physical environment affect the way people live, including the effects on their food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and recreation.
-Compare the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, traditions, and social practices of varied cultures, drawing from folklore.



How Do People Live Together?
•Laws, Citizens, and the Community
-Understand the rule-making process in a direct democracy (everyone votes on the rules) and in a representative democracy (an elected group of people make the rules), giving examples of both systems in their classroom, school, and community.
•Government and Leaders
-Identify American symbols, landmarks, and essential documents, such as the flag, bald eagle, Statue of Liberty, U.S. Constitution, and Declaration of Independence, and know the people and events associated with them
•Heroes in Our Country, Our Town and Our School
-Understand the significance of our national holidays and the heroism and achievements of the people associated with them.



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